Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Beast by any other Name...


There's been a bit of a buzz lately about our chosen nickname for the lil' one.  From more than a few individuals.  Their reactions range from the slightly annoyed to the extremely offended, but the general consensus is the choice terminology for our unborn child is quite the inappropriate one.

When the opinions of said individuals began to trickle in, I did what any other hormonally-charged impregnated female would do: I flipped out like a four-year old, threw myself on the bed and began to cry uncontrollably.  I hadn't even popped the kid out, and already felt like I had failed as a parent.  Feelings of inadequacy flooded in and I felt powerless to stop them; I was the straight-A student who had brought home a B, and disappointed them all.  Luckily, the Boy let this go on for about 2 minutes before he strolled in and put it a stop to it all by offering me some perspective, and a shin-kicking reality check. (Did I mention I love him madly and can't wait to marry him and have his babies? Oh,...right....)    

Despite popular belief (and personal aspirations,) I am not made of stone.  In fact, I'm an extremely sensitive individual; one of my worst flaws is that I care too much about what others think of me and my actions, and have been known to go to ridiculous lengths to avoid conflict and please everyone in the process.  That, in itself, isn't necessarily a bad attribute to have - BUT, when it is at the expense of my own happiness, my own wishes...well, my friends, that's when it becomes a bit different.

From the moment I first found out about the life growing inside me, I felt a connection to it.  The connection to what it was doing, how it was growing, how it was changing and changing me.  The first time I verbalized this connection to the Boy, the name just rolled out of my mouth. Without premeditation, or thought.  We were discuss dinner plans, or something similar, and I casually told him that the Beast demanded Mexican that night.  He stopped, and gave me a look, and we both started laughing.  Not just because it was unexpected or funny, but because it was so us.  It was as if it already understood what sort of family it was being born into.

We didn't choose "The Beast," the Beast chose for itself. 

Lots of expectant gals have their "beans" and their "bumps," and that's just fine.  But that's not who I am/who we three are. Does that mean that I'm any less excited about the little one?  That I acknowledge the miracle of its existence with any less love and adoration as the mothers who regard their unborn children with conventionally cuter monikers? Hell to the NO. And, by the way, if any of you happen to think otherwise you can do one of the following: a.) keep it to yourself. b.) let me know, and you and I will have a private discussion about the future of our friendship, or c.) don't read this blog :-)  I realize that this is just the beginning of the onslaught, and so I'd better get used to it.  Because once you're pregnant, everyone - and I mean everyone  - starts coming out of the woodwork to offer you a shit ton of unsolicited advice.  *And, on an related-but-unrelated-note, many thanks to those mommies who have offered sound advice (Sarah M. and Sara B!) that reaches beyond the cliches of others'!

So I'm steppin' off the pregnant lady pedestal, now.  'Cause, yes, my back hurts... but mainly, there's some Ben & Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Chunk calling me from the freezer.

'Night, y'all.


  1. I love this. I usually don't comment on people's blogs, but I think its awesome that the Beast named itself and you were just the carrier :) I think its a great nickname. If you find out its a girl, will you start calling it Beastie? Stay strong and I love the postings!!
    -Dana Midkiff

  2. I didn't even need to read all of this to let you know that The Beast is a kick ass name. It makes me think you are storing a Milwaukee's Best in your tummy. My name in the womb was Ollie. I am way more offended about that-even though it's remarkably close to Ozzie. They are WORLDS apart.

  3. I'm hooked! I haven't been keeping up on blogs (including my own) lately, but I'm loving the dual perspective idea! Look at you pulling out that maternal instinct by standing up to the world and defending your family! Cut yourself a break girlie...none of us know what the hell we're doing!!! : ) That is one lucky beast!!!!

    Thanks for the shout out btw!

  4. Unconditional love, means just that. May not always agree but love you three always.

  5. F 'em if they can't take a joke. I laughed out loud the first time I read the nickname because it is soooo what I would expect from you... The unexpected. Love and junk.

  6. I find it a little mystifying that there is controversy surrounding this. I didn't bat an eye when I saw the nickname - didn't even think to think about it. Coming from you guys "The Beast" expresses more love, ownership and sense of a family than anything "typical". It's only if you guys called it something ooie-gooie that I would worry about your connection to the kid.

    Of course, by picking that nickname you are dooming this kid up to be as smart, strong willed and wily as her parents, but that was going to happen anyway so you might as well call a spade a spade. :-)

    (However, you have still not outdone my favorite baby codename to date: "POTUS".)
